Thursday, October 27, 2011

"New Materials at Pine Tech" by LJorgensen []

WorldCat is the world's largest online library catalog, and it is easy to share book lists with you using this site. Check it out, and look at the newly acquired materials available at Pine Tech's Learning Resource and Technology Center.

"New Materials for Fall at Pine Technical College" by LJorgensen []

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 11: 10 Year Commemoration and Digital Resources

As the ten year commemoration of the historic and tragic events of September 11, 2011 occurs this month, the Learning Resource and Technology Center is highlighting a notable information resource, The September 11 Digital Archive, Saving the Histories of September 11, 2001. This very interesting and useful site features electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of that terrible day, organizing 150,000 digital items, including emails and other electronic communications, first hand accounts, and 15,000+ digital images. In September 2003, the Library of Congress accepted the Archive into its collections. This resource can now be found on our library's website. Go to Internet Resources and Searching and the link will be located in the General Information category.

Here is a direct link.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Libraries top McDonald's Numbers

Here's some interesting library facts and statistics as noted by Leonard Kniffel in American Libraries Magazine last fall.

Public libraries and their branch outlets (16,549) outnumber McDonald's restaurants in the USA.

U.S. public library use has reached a new high level. Approximately 2 out of every 3 adults (63%) have a library card.

Book publishing is at an all time high with nearly 300,000 (English language) titles issued yearly.

Academic and public library reference librarians/information specialists (USA) on a weekly basis are responding to 7.2 million questions. Academic librarians alone are handling 72.8 million information/title requests annually.

For computer access, the public library is the first choice for those without home or work computers. Consequently 98.9% of public libraries provide such access, and librarians provide help in achieving accurate and relevant search results.

Relatedly, Mpls businessman and author Harvey Mackay recently touted the services and benefits of libraries in the Star-Trib, even creating one of his Mackay's Morals. "The library is a truly amazing resource - check it out."

List of Gunsmithing Periodicals

We have added a list of our gunsmithing periodicals to the Pine Tech website. Click here. Check it out and see what we have available in this special library collection.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Medical/Health Information Link added!

The top source of information and resources for the emergency medical services community, is the leading online destination for EMTs, paramedics and EMS administrators. Check it out on our website under the Internet Resources and Searching heading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

EBSCOhost: Publications: Nursing

One of the library's great in-house journals is Nursing 2011 transitioning to Nursing 2012 next year. Make good use of this resource by focusing your searches in EBSCOhost/Cinahl Plus with Full Text just on this journal.
1. Click this link to access it directly. EBSCOhost: Publications: Nursing.
2. Click on Search within this publication
3. Note: Type your keyword in the 2nd field box below JN:Nursing to search this journal only.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Periodicals Database Added to Library Resources

The Directory of Open Access Journals now joins the list of impressive Research Databases on the library's web page. The DOAJ provides searching access to free, full text, scientific and scholarly journals from around the world. In April of this year, this resource was chosen as one of 20 useful speciality search engines for college students by the Edu-tastic Blog.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More new books have arrived!

There are several new titles on the shelves from the Oxford University Press series called "A very short introduction" They are: Human rights, Hinduism, Myth, Prehistory, Fossils, The Bible, Chrisitanity, Autism, Judaism, Medical ethics, Deserts, Shakespeare, Dinosaurs, Animal rights, Logic and Nuclear weapons. Also new this month: What is mental illness? by Richard McNally 616.89 MCN The docks by Bill Sharpsteen 387.1 SHA The hunter's guide to accurate shooting by Wayne Van Zwoll 799.20 VAN How we age: a doctor's journey into the heart of growing old by Marc E. Agronin, MD 305.26 AGR The 1,000-year flood: Destruction, loss, rescue, and redemption along the Mississippi River by Stephen J. Lyons 363.34 LYO Diet for a hot planet: The climate crisis at the end of your fork and what you can do about it by Anna Lappe 363.73 LAP Saunders Nursing drug handbook 2011 by Barbara Hodgson REF 615.1 SAU Complete guide to prescription and nonprescription drugs by H. Winter Griffith REF 615.1 GRI Old gunsights & rifle scopes by Nick Stroebel REF 683.4 STR The encyclopedia of the heart and heart disease 2nd edition by Otelio S. Randall REF 612.1 RAN 2011 standard catalog of firearms by Dan Shideler REF 623.44 SHI Pandora's seed by Spencer Wells 304.2 WEL, Indian nations of North America by Anton Treuer et. al. 970.004 TRE

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Local Officials Resource in the Library

The latest annual Directory of Minnesota City Officials has arrived and is kept in the Reference Collection (Call No. Ref 352 Dir). In addition to listing elected officials and appointed staff members for each city, this information resource provides contact information, including city offices' telephone and fax numbers (plus web and email addresses), business hours, times of city council meetings, and current population.

New Arrivals for February

Chasing molecules: poisonous products, human health, and the power of green chemistry 615.9 GRO College chemistry (Schaum's outlines) ninth ed. 1,340 fully solved problems 540 ROS CRC handbook of chemistry and physics, 91st edition REF 530 HAY Defusing angry people: Practical tools for handling bullying, threats and violence 152.4 FAU Dosage calculations made incredibly easy! RES 615.14 DOS Food beware: The French organic revolution RES DVD 664 FOO Hodgdon Modern Smokeless Powders data manual no. 24 683.41 HOD How to find mental health care for your child 362.19 BRA Mental health disorders in adolescents: a guide for parents, teachers and professionals 616.89 HAZ Language of life: DNA and the revolution in personalized medicine 616 COL Tribe: Endangered peoples around the world 305.8 GIB Wonders in the sky: unexplained aerial objects from antiquity to modern times 001.94 VAL

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Automotive Books

Advanced engine performance- 5th ed. classroom and shop manuals
Automotive fuel and emissions control systems
Automotive engines theory and servicing
Automatic transmissions and transaxles
Basic automotive service & systems-classroom and shop manuals
Automotive chassis systems

Automotive engine performance-classroom and shop manuals
Automotive engine repair and rebuilding- classroom manual
ASE manual drive train and axles
ASE engine repair
Hybrid, electric & fuel-cell vehicles