Thursday, December 23, 2010

More new arrivals are ready!

100 best African American poems 811.008 HUN
Atlantic: Great sea battles, heroic discoveries, Titanic storms etc
. 551.46 WIN

Cardiovascular disorders sourcebook REF 616.1 CAR
China in the 21st century what everyone needs to know 951.06 WAS
Food politics what everyone needs to know 338.1 PAA
Mao's great famine 951.05 DIK
Mommy wars: Stay-at-home and career moms face off on their choices, their lives, their families
306.87 MOM

Mosby's comprehensive review of practical nursing for the NCLEX-PN examination 610.73 EYL
Ramps & pathways: a constructivist approach to physics with young children
CHI 372.35 DEV
River sea: the Amazon
981 DEB

Simulation scenarios for nursing education 610.73 HAL
When a billion Chinese jump 363.70 WAT
Young investigators: the project approach in the early years CHI 372.13 HEL

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Library Catalog Resource

Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Resource Library

This agency's library catalog of resources has just been added to the PTC library's LIBRARY CATALOGS web page. Library resources are available for families, child care providers, students, trainers, educators and early childhood professionals. Once an individual is registered as a library patron by phone, mail, or website, needed resources can be mailed to those living outside the seven county metro area. This convenient Books by Mail service is available until at least June 15, 2011. A return postage label is enclosed with the shipment for convenient mail return of the items. Items are checked out for three weeks. Of course, one can use the library in person at its St. Paul location.

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Books for Fall Semester are ready

Aging: the natural process RES DVD 613.04 AGI
Allies and Enemies by Anne Maczulak 579.3 MAC
AMA handbook of business writing by REF 808.06 WIL
Ammo encyclopedia 2nd ed. by Michael Bussard REF 683.406 BUS
Atlas of global conservation edited by Jennifer Molnar 333.95 ATL
Care of people with diabetes by Trisha Dunning 616.4 DUN
Christianity: the first three thousand years by Diarmaid MacCulloch 270 MAC
Clinical examination skills by Phil Jevon 616.07 JEV
Common as air by Lewis Hyde 001 HYD
Comp TIA A+ exam certification guide by Mike Meyers RES 621.39 MEY
Company town by Hardy Green 307.76 GRE
Complete mental health directory 2010, edited by Richard Gottlieb REF 362.20 COM
Drug abuse sourcebook, edited by Joyce Brennfleck Shannon 362.29 DRU
East Central Regional Library: 50 years of connections by Marilyn McGriff 022.3 McG
Empathetic civilization: The race to global consciousness in a world in crisis by Jeremy Rifkin 901 RIF
Environmental health sourcebook, edited by Laura Larsen 616.9 ENV
Financial aid for veterans, military personnel, and their families 2010-2012 by Gail Ann Schlachter 362.8 SCH
Financial planning for your first job by Matthew Brandeburg CAR 332.02 BRA
Four fish: the future of the last wild food by Paul Greenberg 333.95 GRE
Getting organized in the Google era by Douglas Merrill 650.1 MER
Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs Fiscal Year 2010 REF 370.970 USD
Hard times guide to retirement security: Practical strategies for money, work, and living by Mark Miller 332.02 MIL
Jobs that matter: finding a stable, fulfilling career in public service by Heather Krasna CAR 351.73 KRA
Lakotas and the black hills: The struggle for sacred ground by Jeffrey Ostler 978.004 OST
Last call: The rise and fall of prohibition by Daniel Okrent 363.4 OKR
Maslow's hierarchy of needs RES DVD 155.25 MAS
Mind in the making: the seven essential life skills every child needs by Ellen Galinsky 305.23 GAL
PHP and MYSQL web development by Luke Welling 005.2 WEL
Sawdusted by Raymond Goodwin 674 GOO
Saying goodbye to someone you love by Norine Dresser 155.9 DRE
Seeking the cure: A history of medicine in America by Ira Rutkow 610 RUT
War by Sebastian Junger 958.10 JUN
Weight control: a sane approach RES DVD 613.2 WEI
Welcome to Utopia by Karen Valby 976.4 VAL
Your guide to the CFP certification exam by Matthew Brandeburg, CFP CAR 332.024 BRA
Inside the Hollywood fan magazine by Anthony Slide 710.43 SLI

Monday, September 27, 2010

Points of View Reference Center

One of EBSCOhost's easy to use databases is POINTS OF VIEW REFERENCE CENTER available on the LRTC web page. (Go to Research Databases>EBSCOhost>Point of View Reference Center.) This database of information covers more than 270 topics (substance abuse, animal welfare, earth and environment, evolution, and immigration as examples) and presents the information from multiple sides of the topic. It's a good resource to use as a starting point in gathering information for a paper or research project. It is an ideal resource if one needs to develop a persuasive argument on paper or for a speech.

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Summer Arrivals and Additions to our Collection

2020 workplace: how innovative companies attract, develop, and keep tomorrow's employees today. 658.3 MEI
Addiction: A reference encyclopedia REF 616.86 PAD
Anger Management 152.4 ANG
Animal factory 363.7 KIR
Arctic labyrinth: the quest for the northwest passage 910.91 WIL
At home on the street: people, poverty a& a hidden culture of homelessness 362.50 WAS
Big short 330.97 LEW
Conquering math anxiety 510 ARE
Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare (2 volumes) REF 179 ENC
Encyclopedia of weather and climate change REF 551.6 ENC
Future of Islam 297.09 ESP
Googled: the end of the world as we know it 338.7 AUL
How to solve word problems in algebra 510 JOH
In Fed we trust: Ben Bernanke's war on the great panic 332.1 WES
Letting go of anger 152.4 POT
Life after death: the evidence 236 D'SO
Mastering math: how to be a great student 510 SMI
Math for the anxious 510 PRO
Nation of farmers: defeating the food crisis on American soil 338.1 AST

On thin ice: the changing world of the polar bear 599.78 ELL
Solving algebra word problems 512 BAR
Storms of my grandchildren 363.73 HAN
Unscientific America: how scientific illiteracy threatens our future 509.73 MOO
Young child and mathematics CHI 372.7 COP

Thursday, June 17, 2010

ELM Radio Spot

Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) has a radio spot to increase awareness of ELM and the perceived value of libraries in the minds ot Minnesota residents. Click here to listen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Arrivals are ready!

Nurse's Assessment DVD Series: Signs and Symptoms, Cardiac, Endocrine, Fluid & Electrolyte Imbalances, Neurologic, Respiratory, Vascular RES DVD 616 XXX
The human body at work: Your immune system RES DVD 616.097 YOU
Do-it-yourself early learning:easy and fun activities and toys from everyday home center materials CHI 649 JOH
Language of art: inquiry based studio practices in early childhood settings CHI 372.5 PEL
Jump into literacy CHI 372.6 PIC
Beautiful stuff! Learning with found materials CHI 372.21 TOP
Rapunzel's supermarket: all about young children and their art CHI 704.083 KOL
Making toys for infants and toddlers CHI 371.337 MIL
Lippincott's maternity nursing video series RES DVD 618.22 LIP
Lippincott's pediatric nursing video series RES DVD 610.73 LIP
Media ethics 174 MED
Personal liberty 342.73 PER
Does illegal immigration harm society? 364.1 BAR
Cloning 174 LEV
Students in danger: Survivors of school violence 371.7 SIM
Bullying 302.3 BUL
Dementia 616.8 HAR
Freedom of expression 323.44 FRE
Chernobyl 363.17 CHE
Amendment XIV: Equal protection 342.73 AME
The inclusive early childhood classroom: easy ways to adapt learning centers for all children

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Latest Arrivals in the LRTC

Newest arrivals in orange:
200 best jobs for renewing America CAR 331.70 SHA
American heritage college dictionary REF 423 AME
Body language I: Beyond words RES DVD 302.222 BOD
Carjacked: The culture of the automobile and its effects on our lives 303.48 LUT
Clean energy common sense: an American call to action on global climate change 363.7 BEI
Comeback America: turning the country around and restoring fiscal responsibility 330.973 WAL Dosage calculations made incredibly easy 615.14 DOS
First impressions: Etiquette and work habits for new employees RES DVD 650.1 FIR
Healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper and fairer health care 360.10 REI
How to find a job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other sites CAR 650.14 SCH
Illustrated guide to assistive technology and devices 362.40 ROB
Information literacy: The perils of online research RES DVD 028.7 INF
Knock 'em dead: the ultimate job search guide 2010 CAR 650.14 YAT
Last chance: preserving life on earth 363.738 SCH
LPN Notes RES 610.73 MYE "New Arrival"
Martin Luther King 323.092 HOD
Math for nurses 615 STA
North woods river: The St. Croix River in the upper midwest history 977.51 MCM
NurtureShock: new thinking about children 305.231 BRO
Other brain 612.8 FIE
Pacific: hell was an ocean away 940.54 AMB
Transitions to work and self-sufficiency DVD series: The job interview RES DVD 650.14 CON
World chamber of commerce directory REF 380.1 WOR
You are not a gadget: a manifesto 303.48 LAN

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Websites for Blogs on Books and Reading

The current issue of Public Libraries provides a tantalizing offering of web blogs which list, review, and discuss books, new and old, and sometimes other things also. These are great resources as they cover a wide range of potential reading treasures, expanding the "joy of reading" arena which many newspapers and magazines enter timidly. Here's a few to bookmark and explore at your leisure.

Papercuts ( Wide range of genre coverage in the New York Times book editors' blog.
ShelfLife ( Entertainment Weekly's chatty storefront for book news.
Critical Mass ( 900 book critics cover book criticism, publishing, and writing plus serving up a weekly featured review.
Omnivoracious ( book editors cover the publishing scene.
Unabashedly Bookish ( Barnes and Nobles blog which generates also interesting user comments.
Powell's Books ( The world famous bookstore's blog covers a lot of ground including titles from the small publishers.
EarlyWord ( A great blog for those wanting to know what is soon to be published.
Citizen Reader ( The blog's focus here is on non-fiction titles.
Reading the Past ( Hosted by a librarian reviewer with all attention on historical fiction.
Bookslut ( This resource takes one into the world of non-mainstream titles and authors.

Finally, setting up a Google Books account allows activation of My Library. Using this tool, one can keep track of books read or books to be read and then share that information with other readers. Go to Google, select Google Books under "more" options or tools and set up an account.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Titles for Spring Semester 2010

Chambering a championship match barrel- RES DVD 683.422 CHA
AARP retirement survival guide- 332.024 JAS
Aged care: Communicating with aged care residents RES DVD 362.61 AGE
America's lost landscape: The tallgrass prairie RES DVD 577.4 AME
Bad Voodoo's war RES DVD 956.70 SCR
Big burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the fire that saved America 973.911 EGA
Botany of desire Book and DVD 306.45 POL
Bowes and Church's Food values of portions commonly used REF 613.2 PEN
Columbia: Space Shuttle Disaster RES DVD 629.44 SPA
Core chemistry RES DVD 540.9 AMB
Depression: Out of the shadows RES DVD 616.85 MCP
Desperate passage 979.4 RAR
Edible history of humanity 394.1 STA
Enough: Why the world's poorest starve in an age of plenty 363.8 THU
First aid one: Basic life support RES DVD 616.0252 FIR
Global climate change impacts in the United States 530 GLO
Ground truth: The untold story of America under attack on 9/11 973.931 FAR
Gun digest 2010 683.44 GUN
Handbook of first aid and emergency care 616.02 AME
Healing suicidal veterans 362.2 MON
Heat: A global investigation RES DVD 333.79 SMI
Is America safe? 363.325 JOR
Jacques Cousteau: The sea king 551.46 MAT
Obesity 616.3 STE
Plagiarism: What do you value? RES DVD 808 PLA
Precision shooting at 1,000 yards 799.31 PRE
Sick around the world RES DVD 326.10 PAL
Standard code of parliamentary procedure REF 060.4 STU
Super study skills 371.3 ROZ
Understanding prejudice RES DVD 303.38 SHE
Waste: uncovering the global food scandal 363.8 STU