Monday, October 11, 2010

New Books for Fall Semester are ready

Aging: the natural process RES DVD 613.04 AGI
Allies and Enemies by Anne Maczulak 579.3 MAC
AMA handbook of business writing by REF 808.06 WIL
Ammo encyclopedia 2nd ed. by Michael Bussard REF 683.406 BUS
Atlas of global conservation edited by Jennifer Molnar 333.95 ATL
Care of people with diabetes by Trisha Dunning 616.4 DUN
Christianity: the first three thousand years by Diarmaid MacCulloch 270 MAC
Clinical examination skills by Phil Jevon 616.07 JEV
Common as air by Lewis Hyde 001 HYD
Comp TIA A+ exam certification guide by Mike Meyers RES 621.39 MEY
Company town by Hardy Green 307.76 GRE
Complete mental health directory 2010, edited by Richard Gottlieb REF 362.20 COM
Drug abuse sourcebook, edited by Joyce Brennfleck Shannon 362.29 DRU
East Central Regional Library: 50 years of connections by Marilyn McGriff 022.3 McG
Empathetic civilization: The race to global consciousness in a world in crisis by Jeremy Rifkin 901 RIF
Environmental health sourcebook, edited by Laura Larsen 616.9 ENV
Financial aid for veterans, military personnel, and their families 2010-2012 by Gail Ann Schlachter 362.8 SCH
Financial planning for your first job by Matthew Brandeburg CAR 332.02 BRA
Four fish: the future of the last wild food by Paul Greenberg 333.95 GRE
Getting organized in the Google era by Douglas Merrill 650.1 MER
Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs Fiscal Year 2010 REF 370.970 USD
Hard times guide to retirement security: Practical strategies for money, work, and living by Mark Miller 332.02 MIL
Jobs that matter: finding a stable, fulfilling career in public service by Heather Krasna CAR 351.73 KRA
Lakotas and the black hills: The struggle for sacred ground by Jeffrey Ostler 978.004 OST
Last call: The rise and fall of prohibition by Daniel Okrent 363.4 OKR
Maslow's hierarchy of needs RES DVD 155.25 MAS
Mind in the making: the seven essential life skills every child needs by Ellen Galinsky 305.23 GAL
PHP and MYSQL web development by Luke Welling 005.2 WEL
Sawdusted by Raymond Goodwin 674 GOO
Saying goodbye to someone you love by Norine Dresser 155.9 DRE
Seeking the cure: A history of medicine in America by Ira Rutkow 610 RUT
War by Sebastian Junger 958.10 JUN
Weight control: a sane approach RES DVD 613.2 WEI
Welcome to Utopia by Karen Valby 976.4 VAL
Your guide to the CFP certification exam by Matthew Brandeburg, CFP CAR 332.024 BRA
Inside the Hollywood fan magazine by Anthony Slide 710.43 SLI

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